The Kitchen Heroes..

Food is one thing that has to be strictly organized, so as to extract most benefit from it!
I always believe that our physical health is linked to our spiritual one too! So make sure you eat right to maintain that balance. Having said that, it is also important to imbibe a knowhow on what you are eating! Below are some herbs that have to rule your kitchen. Why? Read on to know why....
CELERY- the herb in the crowd
Celery! Termed as a Negative Calorie herb, this fresh green stalk and leaves is a slimmers friend! The name "celery” retraces the plant's route of successive adoption in European cooking.
Celery is a fresh green stalk with leaves. Its leaves are strongly flavoured and are used less often,either as a flavouring in soups or as a dried herb. Celery seed is also used as a spice.
Celery is used in weight-loss diets, where it provides low-cal dietary fiber bulk. The digestion of a stalk of celery burns more calories than the food itself contains.
Moreover this herb is packed with...
Good source of potassium - helps to maintain BP has an anti inflammatory agent which is helpful in reducing the painful symptoms in gout.
How to buy celery?
Choose celery with upright stalks that snap when bent. The leaves should be fresh and crisp. When selecting, keep in mind, the darker the color the stronger the flavor. Old celery is more whitish in color and becomes hollow in the middle.
How to store celery?
Simply wrap in aluminium foil or plastic wrap tightly and place in the refrigerator vegetable box. It lasts good upto 4-5 days in refrigerator.
Celery in my food
- I have a glass of vegetable juice- 1 carrot, 1 small cucumber. 1 tomato, 1 stalk of celery along with leaves. I add 1 sweet lime (maousami)/orange or 1/2 apple to improve the taste of vegetable juice.
- A tbsp of chopped celery can be added along with chopped onions while making your sauces or even Indian masalas for your sabzis.